Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Anna surgery was faster than expected. She has a infection in her stomach and in her CSF fluid. They externalized her shunt, to the outside of her stomach until we can get this infection all cleared up. Dr Kosnik asked Infectious Disease to get involved to find out what kind of infection this is. As it stands they are saying she has a form of meningitis's, we will know more on Friday what kind and what we have to do about them. They started her on 2 different antibiotics to start clearing up the meds. Once we have this infection cleared up we will then go back in and put her shunt back inside of her. Prayer concerns: Anna to stay strong & Care of Alexandria & Austin while Mark is working. And that the Dr's can figure out everything that's going on inside of Anna Marie. We love you all and are blessed for all of your Friendships. Have a Happy Thanksgiving :)


teri bledsoe said...


we are praying for anna and you! we love you!

teri bledsoe

Anonymous said...

Keeping you both in our thoughts and prayers. The McEarchern Family

Anonymous said...

praying for anna and you! We love you girlies
cindy baker

Pam Lopez said...

Wish I could be there with the both of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily!! Keep us posted..okay?? Love you both! Happy Thanksgiving, Pam Lopez

TeacherGarner said...

And we also need to pray for you, Joy. You are allowed to ask for prayer for yourself...please try to get some rest so you can remain strong for Anne Marie. YOU are in my prayers as well as your family. We love you all!

Karrie and Chrysti said...

This comment is from Karrie Herzog (Levi's friend). I wanted to encourage you with these Words about our Saviour from Isaiah:
"Surely He has borne our griefs(sicknesses, weaknesses and distresses)and carried our sorrows...and with the stripes that wounded Him we are healed and made whole." His stripes purchased Anna's healing and I have been praying constantly for 3 weeks that her healing would come quickly. You don't know me but God has put your precious daughter on my heart and I will not stop pleading on her behalf! May you all experience His rich and abundant grace today.