Sunday, August 17, 2008

Just an update on the going ons up to this point

Ok, so Joy went to Houston in June and met with the Pseudotumor Research Team. What an informative and great conference they had. She got to meet other parents who go through the same stuff that we do. She also met the few doctors that actually specialize in her disease. They took interest in her case and certainly wanted to meet with Anna.

In the conference, they discussed all the different aspects of Pseudotumor Cerebri. She learned about Cerebrospinal Fluid, Neural Hydrodynamic Disorders, Neurological Shunts, Headaches associated with Pseudotumor and the new research associated with trying to find a cure. It was a very good conference and the contacts that were made there were phoenominal. Thanks to the fundraiser and especially the people involved with the fundraisers for your help in helping Joy to make this conference.

The most important aspect of this whole conference is the fact that Joy met Dr Stephen Katz who is one of the Doctors studying Pseudotumor and wants to see Anna at his offices at the University of Columbus Medical Center in Columbus, OH. They are the leading Doctors in the study of this Disease.

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