Sunday, August 31, 2008

So tomorrow is the big day!!

Tomorrow, Joy and Anna leave for the University of Columbus in Columbus, OH. We would never wish PTC on anyone, but we are fortunate enough to be going with another mother and son. They are another family in Georgia that have PTC. Fortunately, when Dr. Katz office called, we were able to get them in for appointments at the same time. That made it easier for us to be able to have someone else there that we know.

Anna will be meeting with Dr. Katz and other Doctor's that work with him ranging from Neurosurgeon to Neurooptomologists. These guys and gals specialize in PTC, and as rare as it is, they are a great group to be able to work with. This trip come in perfect timing. The other day, on Anna's field trip with school, she was complaining to Joy that she couldn't see that well. The is one of the scary things about PTC, is it does cause blindness. So being told by your daughter that she is having trouble seeing absolutely terrified us.

We must give glory to God. He has made everything happen, from an anonymous donor donating airline tickets to us from other people helping us out financially, we know that God has his hand in all things. A big thank you goes out to the people that have helped us. A big thank you goes out to our Savior for providing. We will update tomorrow to let you know how this trip goes.

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