Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So last week was a hard week on Anna Marie. Then on friday they tried her on Lasik (waterpill) and she had a allergic reaction to that. On Monday we went to the ped. and she felt her decompression sites and talked with Dr. Kosnik who then intern said we needed to be up there on tuesday to see him. We arrived at 2:15pm on tuesday and saw him at 4:00 when he saw Anna he sent us straight to the hospital to be admitted. At around 8 the started her on some really strong steriods, zantac and back on topomax. We are seeing if that will let Anna get some relief, and then we will do surgery on friday. He moved surgery from today to friday so we will see how Anna is progressing. Thank you for your continued prayers if I don't answer right away I didn't bring the laptop with me so I have to go downstairs and get on the computer.
Anna's room # 3019 and my cell 404-569-4742

Thanks again
Joy and Dingess crew

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